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A list of all CS:GO commands that are used to manage servers. These includes ban commands, kick commands and commands to change host settings like IP addresses, query settings, etc.

I've got a problem when I launch my dedicated server.
My command line was : ./hlds_run -game cstrike +exec server.cfg +ip xx.xx.xx.xx -port 27015 +maxplayers 12 +map de_inferno
I set +exec server.cfg before +maxplayers because if I don't set it and if I set 'maxplayers 32' value in server.cfg, it override +maxplayers value.
In this case, it's work fine, server start with 12 slots on de_inferno.
But there were a 'bug':
If in server.cfg I set in order 'maxplayers 32' and 'map de_dust' (or other), server start with 12 slots on de_dust => Not really a problem but +map is overriden
But, if I set in order 'map de_dust' and 'maxplayers 32', server start with 32 slots on de_dust => There is a problem, and not only for me I think :-
I've see on this link it's normally impossible to override +maxplayers command line on 1.6: https://developer.valvesoftware.com/wiki/Counter-Strike:_Global_Offensive_Dedicated_Servers_Known_Issues#Maxplayers_doesn.27t_work.2Fis_overridden
'In the beginning (pre-CS:GO), Valve created the +maxplayers command line argument. This generally allowed game server providers to set a value that couldn't be overridden by server operators through config files (and thus gaining access to more player slots than they paid for). Valve and GSPs saw that it was good. '
This 'bug' work same too on dod 1.3 and tfc, I've dont try on other mods.
Edit: I've testing with other variables (like +sv_visiblemaxplayers) in command line, they override only when they are after 'map de_xx' in server.cfg
Sorry for my english,

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Jerome D.
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