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WSOP.com is now offering a site for statistics at its online poker rooms in NevadaandNew Jersey –– called WSOPstats.com — designed as a portal for players to access results and other content.
Not really a tracking site
The site, which launched at the end of May, is not meant to be a an all-inclusive tracking tool like ones that exist to track multi-table tournaments, sit-and-go tournaments and cash-game results for the sites that operate more globally.
“Our approach was to look at this as a way for players to celebrate their successes at the tables,” saidBill Rini, who is Head of Poker atWSOP.com. “We give players tools to share their results in social media and really try to showcase the player’s results for their benefit.”
The site offers tabs for the following in both New Jersey as well as at Nevada WSOP.com:
- Recent results
- Most cashes
- Most victories
More advanced metrics, like return on investment and “in the money” percentage are not included in tournament data provided by the site. Cash game statistics are not tracked, currently.
Players can also search for their stats or the stats of other players, which includes total lifetime winnings, top finishes, and recent results, along with a way to share results by Facebook and Twitter.
The poker site providing the stats?
An actual online poker room providing player statistics — beyond leaderboards — is a different tack in the poker world. Historically, there has been a contentious history among online poker sites, tracking sites and players.
Rini discussed the nature of online poker stat tracking and WSOP.com’s decision to offer data that goes a bit beyond what you might see emanating from most poker rooms:
It’s a complicated topic, for sure. You’ve got issues ranging from whether or not the methods being used to collect data adhere to the site’s terms and conditions all the way to protecting players from predatory behavior.
That creates a lot of friction between the site operators and the tracking sites which, unfortunately, usually results in the player being stuck in the middle.
We already publish leaderboards and other types of races on the site so this was just an extension of that and an opportunity to create something that players can use to see how they compare to other players on a larger scale.
Players are allowed to opt out of WSOPStats.com.
So far, so good
Rini says the site has been received well, although it’s not a finished product, yet.
“The word is still getting out there but so far the feedback has been very positive,” Rini said. “Although it’s already pretty feature rich, it’s still a work in progress and we’ll incorporate it more and more into our promotions so players will become accustomed to going there for information.”

Training videos and an odds calculator are also included, currently, but that’s not the end of the road for the site. Rini says the site will include more features later; for instance, a blog from WSOP Media Director Nolan Dalla is planned.
Find Online Poker Players Stats Chart
WSOPstats.com will also be a way to track leaderboard promotions or other stat-based competitions.
“Using stats and leaderboards in our promotions is one of the major goals of WSOPStats.com,” Rini said. “We see a lot of different opportunities to narrowly focus promotions to certain sub-groups of players, and the stats site is really a great place for showcasing those kinds of promotions.”
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