How To Avoid Casino Gambling

They’re pretty easy to avoid too. You can check out 로투스 홀짝 for more information too. If a casino is not all that popular or if it’s relatively new, you should steer clear from it. If possible, only trust companies that you know have offline offices (preferably casinos you’ve visited in the past).

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The gaming experience should be fun for everyone. It only takes 1 bad experience to ruin a vacation. But as luck would have it you can take some precautions to help you avoid trouble.

Trouble comes in all forms and places. You’re not responsible if someone else chooses to do harm to you. Society is still learning not to blame the victims of crime.

Just because you visit a casino doesn’t mean you brought any misfortune on yourself. But obviously if you’re looking for drug deals in the parking lot you’re looking for something that could be trouble.

Rolling into the casino parking lot with a flat tire could be trouble if you don’t have a spare. Getting caught in a blizzard could be trouble too. Trouble doesn’t always come with a capital “T”.

But there are things we do – often unintentionally – that create problems for ourselves. Here’s a list of ways to keep trouble at bay while you court Lady Luck.

Don’t Go When You’re Feeling Sick

I’ve found myself sitting next to someone with the sniffles many times in life. There are legitimate reasons to go out in public when you have a cold or the flu. You may need to work, buy groceries, pick the kids up at school, or see a doctor.

Why on Earth would you go to a casino when you’re sick?

Believe it or not, people do this all the time. Don’t be one of those people.

I remember seeing a woman get up from a slot machine. Her face showed she was very ill.

She was coughing and sneezing and not wearing gloves. I didn’t to touch that slot machine game. Maybe I wouldn’t have gotten sick but I turned around and walked back to a restaurant.

As I stood over the buffet looking at the sneeze guard all I could think of was the woman who was wandering around sniffling and coughing. I didn’t have much of an appetite that night.

If the casino is serving hot chicken soup, get a cup. It will make you feel better even if you don’t have a cold or flu.

I’ve never gone gambling when I was sick. But I imagine you’re not going to make the best decisions when you feel miserable. Depending on what your illness you might have an accident in the casino or you could lose all your money playing games.

Now, I’ve seen people with physical impairments in casinos. I hope they had good times. They had every right to be there.

I’m just saying that if you’re really down for the day, stay home.

Don’t Flash Money In A Casino

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I’ve never been robbed but I know someone whose money was stolen. She left it sitting in her slot machine. She felt a sudden urge to visit the Ladies Room and there weren’t many people in the casino.

Unfortunately when she got back to her machine some of her money was gone. The thief was trying to be clever. I don’t know how often this kind of skimming happens but I know it happens.

Another time I watched a man collect a jackpot on a game. It was over a thousand dollars. His wife or girlfriend told him to hide the money in his pocket right away.

Okay, you’ve just won a jackpot. Casino staff came over and paid you in front of everyone.

Does hiding money in your pocket really help at that point?

It’s a prudent measure but what I found interesting was that couple later asked a security guard to escort them to their car. I asked another guard if that was necessary. She shrugged and said, “It’s safer than you think.”

I’ve always been a little curious about why she answered that way.

Everyone says don’t flash your money, even at the best trustworthy casinos.

But when you put your chips on the table how do you not flash?

Use caution. If you’re going around with a lot of money, maybe you should let some time pass and change positions in the casino for an hour before walking out on your own.

Park As Close to the Entrance As Possible

There may be little threat of being robbed at a well-lit, well-guarded casino. But I had to take one of those driving safety courses to get out of speeding ticket one year. The instructor opened my eyes to a lot of risks we take every day.

One person in the class asked about parking lot safety. I remember I and a few people in the class rolled our eyes at the question. We feel pretty safe in a parking lot.

And then the instructor began listing all the things that can go wrong in a parking lot. You almost never want to use a public parking lot again.

Here are some of the things he mentioned. I can’t remember everything.

The farther you park from the door the more traffic you must watch out for coming and going. For the drivers the more pedestrians in the road the slower they should be moving. And drivers become impatient while waiting for pedestrians to walk through parking lots.


If you park at night parking under a light is safer for several reasons. If you come out and find you have a flat tire you’ll be able to see better. You’ll also be able to find your keys more easily.

He recommended keeping your keys in your hand when you walk from the entrance to your car.

Never walk close to the parked vehicles. Just because they are parked doesn’t mean someone isn’t about to pull out. Most pedestrians are hit by cars leaving their spaces because they cannot see the pedestrians.

So the best way to move through a parking lot on foot is via the designated walkways and medians. If there is none then walk in the middle of the row where you are most visible.

Never park close to a parking lot construction project even if there is no one working on the site. I don’t remember all the reasons he gave.

While these tips aren’t about casino parking they apply to every kind of parking lot situation.

Don’t Get Drunk and Gamble

Do we really have to say this?

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Every time. Of course most people enjoy a drink or two during the evening. But it’s well known that casinos keep the alcohol flowing to help you relax and lose money.

Drinking to impairment isn’t just a problem for your bankroll. Drunks are less inhibited than sober people. They’re more likely to say or do things they’ll regret later.

Inebriation can also make you physically ill. If you have an accident you won’t just embarrass yourself you may ruin nice clothing or jewelry. It could even be yours.

Don’t Argue with Casino Staff

I can’t remember ever disagreeing with casino staff but I’ve seen other people do it. We all get angry on occasion. I’ve yelled at a few people and realized later I shouldn’t have.


That’s no excuse. If you’re not having a good time, you should still be polite and considerate. Any complaint you want to lodge with the casino should be made courteously.

I realize there are suspicious people who decide the casino has it in for them. I don’t stand and watch these situations unfold. I’ve only see a few people become angry like that.

Just walk away. Don’t get involved. It’s not your place to solve the dispute.


I’ve only covered a few of the ways people get into trouble at casinos. You can lose your ID, take too much money out of the bank, back into another vehicle, or get food poisoning.

Everything that can go wrong will wrong according to Murphy’s Law. We can’t do anything about the laws of the universe but we can stay aware and act sensibly.

The worst thing you can do is escalate a bad situation. Don’t panic. Don’t give in to anger or other emotions.

No matter what happens, there is always someone at the casino whose job it is to ensure you have a safe, enjoyable time. If you need help ask for it. If you’re not happy, leave politely and find something else to brighten your evening.

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