Poker Terms See Call Raise

  • 1English
    • 1.2Phrase


I 'see and raise' was pretty common in limit forms. It is much more important to be clear up front in big bet poker, because the size of the raise can be many times the size of the original bet. IMO, let it slide the first time, explain the reason for the rule (could get some info from opponent, as w/the forward motion rule) and let it go.


From gambling.


  1. Used to accept (or call) a bet, and at the same time raise the stakes.
    I'll see your five and raise you ten.
    I'll see your bet and raise you one thousand.
    I'll see your $20 and raise you $200.
  2. More generally, used when someone produces or reveals something. One says this to announce they will answer by producing or revealing something of their own, usually greater in significance.
    I'll see your defective gallbladder and raise you one heart murmur and a kidney stone.
    Well, sir, I'll see your four months in Vietnam and raise you the twenty years I spent serving as an Air Force pilot flying in conflicts as far-ranging as Grenada, Somalia, Bosnia, and Haiti.
    I'll see your gigabyte and raise you a terabyte.

Call And Raise In Poker

  1. #2 – “I See You.And” You’ve probably seen poker in the movies where they all say “I see youand I’ll raise” – STOP! This is incorrect, and phrases like “I see you” are classed as a call, plain and simple. If you wish to make a raise then just say “raise”. Then make your bet.
  2. Checking is what one does if they wish to pass the action to the next player, but keep their cards. Checking gives one the option to raise, call, fold or even check again later on in the betting.

Usage notes[edit]

  • Often used with two direct objects; see the examples above.
  • This is considered a string bet in most poker games and is not allowed.

Check Raise In Poker

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