Rush Hour 3 was marketed as just another Rush Hour picture, in part because the movie itself is a slight romp, and lacked the event-style build-up that Rush Hour 2 had. What's more, Chan hasn't been on American screens for three years, while Tucker's last movie was Rush Hour 2. A repetitious entry in a series without a major new hook doesn't. East meets West again when the assassination of Ambassador Han leads to the reunion of Lee (Jackie Chan) and Carter (Chris Tucker). In Paris, the pair must stay one step ahead of Chinese gangsters.
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- Rush Hour 3 Fight Scene
l need to see your license
and registration.
Brother, you okay?
l'm glad you're here.
l just do my job.
Stay close. We will making history.
This is bullshit! You know who l am?
My family own half of drive!
Do you know who l am?
Detective James Carter. LAPD.
My family own half Queen Shell.
We are lawyer
You need persuit trainer.
What's that mean?
Look, can you just say give us
warning or something?
You girls like Coney?
Excuse me.
l can't talk now,
l'm in the car with embassador.
Trust me. These girls are great,
we gotta hit these!
l have to go, l'm sorry.
Just few minutes.
You mad because what's happened
when we were in New York.
l don't want to talk about that.
lt was 3 years ago,
when you gonna let it go?
Let it go? lt's about my girlfriend.
Lee, we are friends, man.
Just come over me, one night.
My mom said hi.
The Chinese tried acts half
for millions members,
You know one hundred country.
...before it swallow our holes.
As Chairman of World Criminal Court
l have trusted my good friend
to lead the fright, against the largest
criminal organization in the world.
Ladies and gentlemen.
Nobody knows who these men are
who control them, who leads them.
Nobody as known for 500 years.
But today l stand before you
with the secret of my own.
Today l will disclose information that
effects everyone in this room.
After years of searching,
l believe l finally located the Sha Xing.
Mr. Embassador, Sha Xing is not exist.
Excuse me, who is this Sha Xing?
With all due respect, sir. l like--
Everybody down!
Call the ambulance!
Embassador down! Embassador down!
Stay with him!
Keep it and see you tonight.
The Chinese Embassador has been shot!
Chinese Embassador, move your ass!
LAPD, get the hell out of the way!
Lee, l'm coming!
Don't move!
Hello, Lee.
Don't move, Kenji.
Lee, what're you waiting for?
Shoot me.
Maybe this will help.
Drop the gun or l'll shoot!
l think we both know that's
enough of command.
You see?
l know you too well.
Lee, you okay?
He almost kill your ass,
why didn't you move?
l want you meet with this ladies,
Marshall and Joey.
l'm okay, let me see. l'm sorry.
l'm sorry, man, damn.
Not now.
Alright, hold in right there.
Don't say a word Carter.
You can't deal,
l had none do with this.
All l deal is my car.
Tell him partner.
l need to see Embassador Han.
Embassadorjust in surgery.
The bullet missed his heart.
He's gonna be okay.
Captain, you have to give me back
my shielding put on this case.
Big deal.
And doesn't mean we blow shit out.
Let me find the person
who shot Embassador Han.
Relax, Carter. LAPD won't be
leading this investigation.
Yeah. Embassador is my responsibility.
Then maybe you can tell me exactly
how the shooter got away.
Also, the Embassador's daughter is
coming to see her father right now.
Don't worry, captain,
we will make you pround.
And try not to think about
your wife leaving you.
She will come back.
l haven't see her since 10 years old.
She lives in Los Angelos now.
Lee, l'm so glad you are here.
Detective Carter.
lt's been so long.
-So long. Soo Yung. So long.
How is he?
-He's in the surgery.
They said he will be okay.
Soo Yung, l'm sorry.
lt was my fault.
l didn't get to him fast enough.
l want you both to promise me something.
l want you to find the man
who did this to him.
l want you to find him because...
l don't think he will stop untill
my father was dead.
Soo Yung.
l need you say it.
Okay, l promise.
And so do l.
Thank you.
Soo Yung, your father was addressing
a court before he was shot.
He said, anything happen to him,
l should give it to you
What's it?
l put it in my locker
At the comfort studio, where l teach
ls at 83-47-1 street, China Town
Go home, Carter,
this have nothing to do with you
l may Soo Yung, promise same with you
This is the business of Chinese
For your information l'm Chinese now
For the last 3 year,
l study the an-qing book...
l'm half Chinese, baby
You half Chinese, l'm half black
l'm your brother, and l'm fly,
you down with that, Snoopy?
That don't, is it?
Sorry, you can't be that!
That is high requirement
Go home, Carter
l can't leave you,
now you're the 'Peng You'
Can't leave my brother!
Alright, listen up!
Anyone in attention!
l'm Detective Carter,
this is lnspector Lee
We need see Soo Yung's locker right now!
No one is allow about without
the master permission
Maybe you can hear me,
we need to see that locker
l'm sorry
Wait, Carter!
Lee, l got this!
Kids, listen, was saw nothing
Chinese say, all bring
better once without fight
l don't know you!
Try top!
None of the be the purmanality
You know...
But time, you're respect to him!
Carter, wave for you last
Whoa, damn!
Sorry, man, l thought
this is bathroom, sorry!
Lee, l got big problem, man!
Oh no!
Carter? Are you ok?
Lee, Lee...
Let's get out here
Oh, man, l love Chinese people
How you say surrender in Chinese?
l'm sorry!
l'm sorry...
What l help you?
We'll be asking a question, old man
Who are you?
Not me, you!
Yes, l'm you
Just answer the damn question,
who are you?
l have told you!
Are you dead?
-No, you is blind
l'm not blind, you blind
That is what l just say
You just say what?
-l did not say what, l say you
That why l asking you
And you didn't answering...
-Shut up!
Not you, him!
What his name?
-Yes, you!
l am me
-His me! And l'm you
And l work your old ass, man,
sick the plan game...
you, me, everybody
as around here, you...
Lee, no, no
My name is lnspector Lee.
We have a key to Soo Yung's locker
Some men came her this morning,
they had gun. They emptied...
her locker,
l could not stop them
You must go to her at once
They said she would end up
like her father
Let's go!
l don't know what the hell team he is...
-Carter, go!
Whose envelope?
l saw the damn car
Where security?
They were call on the way
What's wrong?
They come infront you!
What are we do?
Don't move
Get back!
Who send you?
Don't move!
Lee, give me the gun!
Give me the gun!
Damn, Lee!
Lee, gotcha my butt!
Soo Yung, one more!
Lee, l'm in trouble
That is it, l always guard your back
What the hell you give me empty gun?
l didn't know
You got kill me!
Who send you?
What the hell is that?
l think he speaking France
France, ok, l try to speack France
Ok, l tell him,
l don't speak France!
Find someone here,
who speak France, please
Speak English!
This is Sister Agnes,
from church upstair...
she flute France, for 4 years
Sister, we appreciate
l got you!
Sister Agnes, please ask who send him!
He said, you both making a big mistake
That one from your mercy, he also said...
Please, Sister, we have to know!
That logistic
No, he use end word
What, the end word?
You tell this little mother....
She say that
Sister, you tell this piece say,
ass word that l personally work him up!
Did he say negro?
He use the end word again,
this time matching your grandmother
You tell him, that his mama are ages
l before spell the 'W'
Right, W, and the sister W,
and his grandmama has 2 big W...
who make double has not T!
You tell l'm say that!
Did he say again?
No, this time, he call this gentleman
are word that mean, cat and another word
that run with mad
Would you tell him, his an AW
Lee, only spell H
Have a dictionary upstair
Please call him asshole!
He broken mom and dad, like the girl
Sister, turn to back,
you don't want to see this!
Who is Shaxing? How we find him?
Tell me right now, l cut your bee,
and shut your mouth
His bee?
His bee, Sister
Tell me something now!
Lee, give me the gun,
give me the gun, Lee!
Who is Shaxing?
What he say Sister?
He say shoot me!
Lee, that is no bullet in here
l try to kill somebody, man!
You better tell me right now,
since you right heaven now!
Carter, stop!
Carter, enough!
She almost done, give me father fire!
Just wait!
What did he say?
Thank you!
Nice work, Sister!
Anytime, brother!
ls an address
Who in charge?
-l don't know!
Soo Yung, we bring you out of here!
ls not safety yet!
l won't leave here!
You have no choice!
Soo Yung?
-Mr Reynard
Your father is ok?
My people won't leave inside
Thank you!
So, let's go!
Where am l going?
We're getting out from the center,
is not safe for us!
Just a few day, Soo Yung, l promise
You come with me,
and my father took part!
You make me a promise!
Don't forget!
My God!
We got set only speak to France
A limo from France counseling, and the
next meeting of the world in Paris today
Are you think what l am think?
We go to free, we had for a year,
change the name, and l'm call you Kiko!
We have to find Shaxing,
before he find us!
Work on the Paris only?
-Yes, tonight!
Did you know, the promise
naked 34% for the time?
We not going there with women!
You have forget about her,
and let me hook you up!
Hook me up?
After what you did to lsabella?
lt was an accident!
l never slept with her
Thanks to you, it was going to happen!
But you just have to rude
You shoot my girlfriend, in the naked
That nothing else to said
-Now she die
That was temporarily,
as soon as she complete
You know what you promise, in relax,
have some fun...
too much, rising you'll die
l never should had brought you!
You need me, brother
l don't need anyone,
and please don't call me brother
What is this?
Underground Paris
Forget it!
Check out the address!
Like i said, you need me.
Excuse me, can we have one...
Excuse me, gentleman.
Would you please come with me?
Just need to ask you a few questions.
Ouch! Oh my god! Damn!
This is bad or the worst airport
l ever been to
Now that i have your attention,
Why don't you tell me what
your cop are looking for here?
l told you, man, we're on vacation.
Just taking the site.
Gentleman, this is my city,
and i must force away two stupid cops
come here and get their
hands long enough by the threat.
Now i can't force you to leave
but i can make a suggestion.
After all, i found this dirty
little gun inside yourjacket.
Which mean you could worth
to 20 years in my jail.
Do you understand each other?
Do you understand each other?
lt was wonderful meeting you both.
So we can go now?
This one just take a moment.
Welcome to Paris.
Oh shit
Where are you go?
No, get out!
l don't drive his kind.
My kind?
American, l don't drive American.
But l'm Chinese.
Yeah, but you're with him, and
that is the most violent people i know.
Always starting war,
always killing people.
American make me sick.
Look, man, we're not
in the move for this.
Me and my partnerjust got
firing by a small Frenchman.
Where we got very luxury.
You're pathetic bunch of criminal
Always result to violent.
Always pushing around the little guy.
And i stop think through
American is not violent.
My man in America is ajoke.
You list in Vietnam, you list in lraq
You can't even beat the European
in basketball anymore.
The dream team is there.
l didn't get you, man
l don't by the NBA again a day,
a double day
Even you're skinny a woman
because of Harley Belly.
Oh, no, there you don't go too fast.
You won't violent really frenchman
Do you want violence? Well, you got it
Put the gun down
Say l love America!
l love America
Please don't kill me
Say in the nation Vietnam
Not that one, man, sing the American one
l don't know it
Carter, stay focus!
Let's split up, i take the woman.
Carter, James Carter
l know you probably understand
the word l'm saying
But i gotta tell you, you're the
most beautiful woman in my life.
And i like to sleep you down...
And shift your arm pits, and put all
the yam over your naked body
And for the next two between,
l was the hungry dad
Well, James Carter,
l've want to speak 6 lauguages.
While l'm in english?
Money play
Sir, it's a thousand minimum.
How much l've short?
lt's okay, let him play.
Thank you
l'm looking for John VF
Maybe i can help you.
Do you know why i here about cops
Even when they was the woman
They can't stop thinking
about getting their man
Who is Sai Shane?
See what i mean.
Come upstairs, cop
l'll give you what you want.
l know that
You think i don't know
barcarate when i play it?
was a kid, me and my friends used staying in front the magic J
they hit to play back
around all night long.
Now hit me.
Three king
Three king is easy hold, you've
the well specific hand, you lose
Mr Carter, you just piss
you out with me that
l like bringing back in bed
Excuse me
There my boy become a man
Why are you helping me?
Maybe l'm helping myself
How do if i jump you yet
l see you like to get rid to it
Do you know Sai Shane?
Would you like to know our secret, cop?
Yes, please.
Someone gonna die here tonight
And it's you!
Do it, Lee
You got a boy friend?
Start the truck!
Start the truck!
Drive, fast!
Carter, look!
George, we need you to go faster, man
No, forget it
You want to kill me then
go ahead, kill me
Drive faster!
Please, don't scare
George, you as the man on the movie
Okay, man, alright, listen,
you're a superstar
A superstar!
Now try this can, come on
l'm a superstar
Oh, George, go!
George, when we tell you
to, kick the break!
Oh my god!
Back up!
Way to go, George!
lt's okay
l got this one!
Oh my leg!
Lee, help!
This is not my fight!
This is not...!
Lee, l'm luck, my whole life
flash in front of me
lt's 3 years i been married
a chinese woman,
we've 3 kids and just like you.
Pull your hands up
Some people say the mother war was
invented when the French built this zoo
through everywhere out
A mile that no one ever see
Welcome to Paris, Lee
Lee, you know this guy?
Go on, Lee, tell him who i am
Don't be shy
lntroducing him to your xiong di(brother)
Xiong Di?
Your brother!
He doesn't talk about him much
ln fact, he's spend his whole
life trying to forget me
How with it look if
Hong Kong lnspector Lee
had a brother on the
wrong side of the law?
You're not my brother anymore
Are you forgetting about Chenzhou?
Yes, i forgot
You spared my life in Los Angeles
You should have shot me in that alley.
But you didn't pull the trigger.
because you can't escape your past.
l didn't kill you because
l'm not an assasin.
Let me rebuild the favor, Lee
l allow you to leave
if you promise to leave Paris tonight.
You got the deal...
...listen, that is bad air suit,
let's get the hell out of here
What about Han and his daughter?
There's nothing i can do for him.
l've no choice.
Then i have no choice.
Lucky i see stand,
who want to take me to the airport?
We'll always be brothers, Lee
ln this life and the past.
Tell me, Kenji, who is Sai Shane?
Some secret that was dying for
Hold, alright, okay
Lee, what the hell is going on?
Shit, man, it's lock!
Oh, it's a saw, man, no we
No choice
-l rather die
Come on!
l will kill you, Lee!
Welcome to the hotel,
how can l help you?
lts great to see you again, its been
too long. -Yes, for too long sir.
Listen, l need a big sweet, two beds,
two showers, a massage bed, and...
So do you follow,
how come you not tell me about Kenji?
lt was non of your business.
ln case you missed it man,
they will trying to kill me.
l'm coloured in shit,
and some from yellow pages man.
So don't tell me non of my business.
You're lucky,we're not in Hong
Kong, phonebook twices big.
Why you don't tell me all about it man?
Oh, hell, no...lady,
your puppy has just pee on me.
Good girl.
Do you know what l think? l'll think
you've been serious for this guy.
Have you meet Kenji in LA?
Maybe you let them go.
The Agu are kill this family in Tokyo.
He was send to China when he was seven.
He was put in Ching Zhou,
the orphanage where Agu were.
They protect each other alive.
You protect to each other,
and you still protecting them.
l call him XiongDi,
he was like my brother.
And then, l left him. -lt was in
doubt, what choice do you have?
He hand it up on the street.
You can never understand.
l understand man, l got a problem?
Brother, best pair, we've been best
friend. Now we're in speak.
You think l hit up by cup by his
chicken fight when he is go out?
Do you beleaf that?
My own brother take on the snitch.
Thats not my chicky lost, thas not
my final. l not even a kid... -Carter
-Find we're stick man, we can find
the chicken, then make its way.
And its still a distance here,
and a lot of hot. And it wasn't delicious.
lts best if l do this on my own.
This fight professional.
Let me help you man, l'm telling you
what ever kids tell you isn't truth,
he hate you brother.
-You are not my brother.
Fine, l'mnot your brother.
Yes...fry chicken please. Oh, and
some sweet potato pie. Yas.
This is your thing, sir.
-Thank you. -Good bye.
-Hello inspector.
You're Mr.Raynard. -They want to
kill me, may l go over there?
The agent from Franch secret police
had already been murdered.
lf that not stop,
we have more traveler in my whole city.
Who is that shit?
Oh, Sharshalion,
Sharshalion isnot a person, its a list.
A list? -Yes, every five years, their
trial boss will come over from election.
And during that ceremony,
they choose within who lead the trial.
Dragon Heads.
criminal organization in the world.
And that 13 names, kept
secret from generation to generation.
lf their name from that list,
will ever to get out.
The secret society won't
be so secret anymore.
The protector all dead.
And the list is some where in Paris?
A young lady named Generieve,
had made contact.
And we belief she know where is it.
l ask for your help, inspector.
Finish it before the election started.
Who am l? l am Bubbles,
your new costume designer.
Has who knows where she is?
-She is in the waiting room.
Wait, Bubbles, do we look ok?
No, no, no, these costumes are terrible.
Ladies please, we have what to do?
the Lord had truely bless you all, me, and some of you
have, what l like to call...
Lee, what are you doing here?
-What are you doing here?
l look for Generieve.
-So did l, they're going to kill her.
You lit the light, l go to get the girl.
Just come to me!
They call LAPD
Get your hand off me!
Where to go?
Go, go, go!
l been looking for you all day,
my friend, we need to talk
Forget it, George
Oh, no, no, no,
l don't want you to pay...
l want to ask you find
drive you full time no job
Why you want to drive us?
The gun, the shooting, now l
understand what is to be an Americans
Please, l begging you,
let me be your driver!
Let me kill someone tonight!
You never be American ok?
Just give a chance
Alright, fine, give us text
You got me, boss
Hold on!
So you think, she thought this
Shaxing list from the try head?
Anyone you want to find out!
You think what l'm thinking?
We need to talk! Get her relax!
Maybe we should put on daddy movie
Only 9.95!
This is our chance to find Shaxing!
l'm going in!
What's wrong with you?
Wait, let me go with you!
You ok?
Can mister, figure out what l done?
l must go to dead!
You don't get it!
l'm one of them!
l need find dead, you're dead!
We're safe, no one know we're here,
just relax!
No, l been safe
l'm mark!
Trust me!
Why should l trust you?
As a Chinese say...
What is that mean?
A donkey lips was match it all,
just smell
l'm sure to priest
Well, l was, thinking!
You have nice lips, that's all
You safe my life today,
thank you, Carter!
Oh, please, only chance
No one safe me in a long time!
l gonna pay you!
Yeah, 20 Bucks
About him!
l'm bad too
-l'm a bad girl
Don't you want to do?
l never been with American before
Do you want me?
Oh yeah?
l'm going to bathroom,
make myself comfortable
Don't move, l'll be right back!
Hello, room service?
Did you like it?
No wonder...
Wait, baby, wait!
Oh yeah!
Freeze, don't move!
l'm sorry
-ls ok...
l'm ok!
So even, huh? ls that it?
You shoot my girl
l try to save your life
We can make 5 minute, we start make love,
man, you ruin it
They will become,
we have to get out of here, now!
You see it?
We got get out of here, damn!
Lee, damn you!
Next time, l'll get my own damn room!
This people are danger
That is something you should know
l'm not what you think l am!
Are you telling me, you gay?
l'm try to tell you, l'm American spy
You're spy?
Yeah, something work on police
Shut your mouth, George, nothing well
Can't talk about it!
From this moment all!
Don't ever ask me, that my business!
Come with me!
We need to get out of the city
We not going anywhere,
do you tell us exactly...
what's going on?
We cannot help you,
until you tell us the truth
Where is Shaxing?
ls right here!
Holly mother Jesus!
l broke my car!
l'm not the man, you just the vega
You sure about that?
Lee, got to check
lf she got anything in her back
l'm a women, James,
a women who need to way out...
You have Shaxing?
l'm Shaxing!
ln the ancient time,
when they try select new leader
They were secret into a women
A women, who can terrist a list
of Shaxing, to the 35 border of China
When the journey end it,
and the new leader we found...
the women would be head it,
and very forever
No records, no witness
What take the traditional is that?
Have these guys never heard
of a goddamn fax machine?
Kenji and me do it.
He said it was a great honor.
l wanted to do it for him.
For some brotherhood.
Then why did you send their names
to Hunt?
Because l thought the wrong code
could protect me.
But now l see.
Nobody can.
You're mess up in some weird shit, lady.
l mean, man, whatever the hell you are.
l'm a woman.
And they will send an army to kill me.
To protect their way.
You know what?
We can't fight no army, Lee.
Who can protect me? l mean us.
l know a place.
l won't be here when you come out.
l'm sorry.
My wife says l can't be a spy.
And l have to be home for dinner.
Truth is l'm a driver. Nothing more.
This is my destiny.
l will never know what it's like
to be an American.
Never know what it feels like
to kill for no reason.
George, it's okay.
Thank you.
And good luck.
What happened?
That list. This is incredible.
Some people said it was a myth.
No, it's no myth. l've seen it.
Kiss it. But l didn't french kiss it.
You do understand how dangerous this is.
l could always use some protection.
Can we go to the police?
l tried talk to many of them.
We have to go through out of the country.
Now my dear.
Would you mind taking off that wig.
Showing us Shosha.
We never told him she was the list.
Look at that.
to centres of tradition.
The only real proof
that the secret world exists.
Take their guns.
l told you he was bad, didn't l tell you?
While l was thinking it,
the explosion at the embassy.
As head of the world criminal court,
it would make sense for me
to be a target.
Why did you come to my room?
Geneviere was going to be killed.
Having you die in the crossfire
would put an end to the investigation.
Now, it will end another value.
lt's over, Reynard.
You know what it's like
to be an old man in prison?
They call you pops.
They make you work in the library.
Your best friend,
gonna be a mouse.
l'm not falling into prison.
You have a phonecall, inspector.
Hello, brother.
l'd like to make a trade.
Some friends of mine came across
something in the Los Angeles.
Something very valuable.
Help me please.
Do we understand each other?
What do you want?
You and Geneviere
will make me a long pride.
lf l see you're with any other cops,
the girl dies.
Jules Vaugh Restaurant.
Don't be late.
He brought the girl.
Send the elevator down.
Welcome to the party, Lee.
Tonight we celebrate the return
of Shashon...
and the return of my brother.
Where is Soo Yung.
This sword has a past.
Unlike our world, it has seen
much pain, much blood.
Hundreds of years ago, the Triads will
kill their enemies...
with 100 cuts to the body.
They would be very careful to avoid
any major arteries...
so that the victim would stay alive
for as long as possible.
You have just experience
to your first cut.
lf anything happens to Soo Yung...
You can never kill me, Lee.
We both know that.
You know nothing about me.
l know you have no wife.
No children. No family.
You life ended when you were a kid
back in Chenjo.
You have nothing... just like me.
l won't say nothing.
He has me.
His brother from another mother.
Where is she?
And join the few.
Soo Yung.
Help me.
Let her go.
What the hell is wrong with you?
Do you wanna die, Kenji?
Get her outtajere
Carter, drop the gun
Get off that damn robber,
you end that temptations
Rite now!
Put her down, i'm serious
l'm not playing
-Drop the gun. -No!
Drop it, Carter!
Get off of me!
l'm gonna kick his ass, Kenji
He might be your brother,
but turn out to your sister
Hold on, i'm coming!
Enough, Kenji!
Everybody comes for party
What are you waiting for? do it!
We're both gonna die
-No, l can save you
Good bye, Lee
-No, Kenji
l'm coming to you!
My God
What the hell am i doing?
Stay cool lady
lt is still not in this way
Don't do it....lady
Don't you do it
Think about what you're doing?
Would you like to know secret?
Lee, So yung is up there
-See ya
l'm ok
Lee, are you here?
Lee, get me out of here!
Thank you Lee
We wanna kill you...
Hang on!
l'm down here
Hang on! Lee!
Put your hand ups!
Hey man you are the world could
What you gonna do shoot us like animals?
We're police officer
-Yes? And you 2 just kill this girl
Load her brain out
Don't do it
Put your gun down
Good job man, come on!
Hey man, good again we did our movie
Congratulation, we are finally
broke down the train
-You ain't do shit!
They are America and defence to work
together and split the brotherhood...
...together we can do anything
Yeah he right, Lee, together we
can do anything
He go this way and l gi that way
That why Lee, last 3 years
l study the 18..
What? Oh Freeze!
As soon as she could bring,
the seafood secret
As soon as she could bring,
the seafood secret
The seafood secret
l know seafood, l know secret, secret
see but when everything together
Rush Hour 3 | |
Directed by | Brett Ratner |
Produced by |
Screenplay by | Jeff Nathanson |
Based on | Characters by Ross LaManna |
Starring | |
Music by | Lalo Schifrin |
Cinematography | J. Michael Muro |
Edited by | |
Production companies |
Distributed by | New Line Cinema |
| |
91 minutes | |
Country | United States |
Language | English |
Budget | $140 million[1] |
Box office | $258 million[2] |
Rush Hour 3 is a 2007 American action comedy film directed by Brett Ratner, written by Jeff Nathanson, and starring Jackie Chan, Chris Tucker, Max von Sydow, Hiroyuki Sanada, Noémie Lenoir, Yvan Attal and Youki Kudoh. It is the third installment in the Rush Hour series. Announced on May 7, 2006, filming began on July 4 on location in Paris and Los Angeles. Released on August 10, 2007, the film received mostly mixed reviews from critics, but grossed $258 million worldwide against a $140 million budget.

After the commercial success of the first and second films in the franchise, Tucker received a salary of $25 million for his role in the film, as well as 20% of the films proceeds.
- 5Reception
Three years after the events of Rush Hour 2, In Los Angeles, Chinese Ambassador Solon Han, with Hong Kong Police Force Chief Inspector Lee as his bodyguard, addresses the importance of fighting the Triads at the World Criminal Court, announcing that he may know the whereabouts of Shy Shen, a semi-mythical individual of great importance to the Chinese mob. Before announcing, an unknown assassin uses a sniper rifle on Han without being seen, disrupting the conference, and resulting in a large riot among everyone observing them. Lee chases the shooter and corners him, discovering that the assassin is his childhood Japanese foster brother Kenji. When Lee hesitates to shoot Kenji, he makes his escape when LAPD Detective James Carter (having learned about the shooting over the police radio) arrives to intervene.
Lee learns that Han will make a full recovery in the hospital, as the bullet hit his shoulder. Han's daughter, Soo-Yung now grown up as an adult arrives and makes Lee and Carter promise to capture the one behind the shooting. On Soo-Yung's insistence, Lee and Carter then go to the Kung Fu studio where Soo-Yung has placed an envelope entrusted to her by Han. After meeting the old studio master, who informs the duo that the Triads took Soo-Yung's belongings, Lee and Carter arrive in the hospital just in time to intercept a gang of French-speaking assassins who attempted to kill Soo-Yung and Han. Lee and Carter defeat the assassins and interrogate one of them with the help of a French-speaking nun, Sister Agnes. For her protection, they take Soo-Yung to the French Embassy and leave her under the care of Reynard, the French ambassador and the chairman of the World Criminal Court. When a car bomb nearly kills Reynard and Soo-Yung, the duo decides to go to Paris to investigate.
In Paris, after undergoing a painful cavity search from Parisian Commissioner Revi, Lee and Carter meet George, a taxi driver, who is staunchly critical of Americans. After Carter forces George to help, he drives them to a Triad hideout. Once there, Lee is tricked by a mob assassin named Jasmine, who claims to have information about Shy Shen, with Carter's intervention saving Lee when she attempts to kill him. Lee and Carter try to escape the Triads, having convinced a terrified George that they need his help, but are ultimately captured by Kenji's men. Kenji offers to let them live if the two leave Paris immediately, but Lee refuses and, in a short struggle, he and Carter escape their captivity. The duo recuperate at a hotel, where Lee reveals his relationship with Kenji to Carter, but decides that his help is not needed. Carter leaves the hotel, disillusioned, but composes himself when he spots and follows a woman he met at the Triad hideout, learning that she is a stage performer named Geneviève. Meanwhile, Reynard meets Lee in his hotel room and reveals that Shy Shen is not a person, but a list of the Triad leaders and that Geneviève is Han's informant who has access to the list.
After locating Geneviève and saving her from an assassination attempt, the two flee to their hotel room where Carter seduces Geneviève. They are attacked by Jasmine and are rescued by George, who decides to help them and has developed a great admiration for Americans. Lee and Carter then learn that Geneviève is the list. The names of the thirteen Triad leaders have been tattooed on the back of her head and, as per tradition, Geneviève explains that she will be beheaded and buried if the Triads capture her. When Lee and Carter bring Geneviève to Reynard, they find out that he has been working with the Triads all along. Kenji calls and informs Lee that he has captured Soo-Yung and that he would like to exchange her for Geneviève.
Lee arrives at the exchange point, the Jules Verne Restaurant in the Eiffel Tower, with Carter disguised as Geneviève. Kenji challenges Lee to a sword fight, during which the two fall off the tower and into a safety net. Kenji's sword cuts the safety net open and the two men are left hanging on what remains of the net. Lee wishes to save his foster brother, but Kenji says goodbye and lets go, falling to his death as Lee watches, horrified. Meanwhile, Carter saves Soo-Young and beats Jasmine, who is killed after getting stuck in one of the elevator wheels. After escaping the triads by using a French flag as a parachute, Carter and Lee are confronted by Reynard, holding Geneviève hostage and threatening to kill her and frame them. However, George, who followed Lee and Carter, shoots Reynard from behind, killing him. The police arrive, with Commissioner Revi gloating and trying to get undeserved credit. After both give the commissioner a simultaneous punch to the face, knocking him out, Lee and Carter leave the scene via victory dance.
- Jackie Chan as Chief Inspector Yan Naing Lee
- Chris Tucker as Detective James Carter
- Max von Sydow as Varden Reynard
- Hiroyuki Sanada as Kenji
- Yvan Attal as George
- Youki Kudoh as Dragon Lady Jasmine
- Noémie Lenoir as Geneviève / Shy Shen
- Zhang Jingchu as Soo-Yung Han
- Tzi Ma as Ambassador Solon Han
- Roman Polanski as Commissaire Revi
- Philip Baker Hall as Captain William Diel
- Dana Ivey as Sister Agnes
- Henry O as Master Yu
- Mia Tyler as Marsha
- Sarah Shahi as Zoe
- David Niven, Jr. as British Foreign Minister
- Sun Mingming as Kung-Fu Giant
- Julie Depardieu as Paulette
The film was not screened in Chinese theaters in 2007, to make way for a larger variety of foreign films for that year, according to a business representative. (The quota for imported films is 20 each year.)[3]
Rush Hour 3 Me You
Lalo Schifrin composed the soundtrack, interspersed with hip hop and R&B music. Two soundtrack albums were released. An album of the hip hop and R&B music used was released on August 8, 2007, on CD and audio cassette from New Line Records and Columbia Records. Another, containing Schifrin's original compositions for the film was released on the Varèse Sarabande label.
Box office[edit]
Rush Hour 3 opened on August 10, 2007, and grossed $49.1 million in its opening weekend.[2]Box Office Mojo noted:
“ | Rush Hour 3 was marketed as just another Rush Hour picture, in part because the movie itself is a slight romp, and lacked the event-style build-up that Rush Hour 2 had. What's more, Chan hasn't been on American screens for three years, while Tucker's last movie was Rush Hour 2. A repetitious entry in a series without a major new hook doesn't quite cut it after a six-year wait if the intent is to build or retain an audience. That Rush Hour 3 had a sizable debut is a credit to the good will generated by the first two pictures.[1] | ” |
The film grossed $258 million worldwide.
Critical response[edit]
On Rotten Tomatoes, the film has an approval rating of 18% based on 157 reviews, with an average rating of 4.2/10. The site's critical consensus reads, 'Rush Hour 3 is a tired rehash of earlier films, and a change of scenery can't hide a lack of new ideas.' Todd Gilchrist of IGN movies said, 'A movie that not only depends on but demands you don't think in order to enjoy it.'[4] On Metacritic, the film has a score of 44 out of 100, based on 32 critics, indicating 'mixed or average reviews'. Audiences surveyed by CinemaScore gave the film an average grade of 'A-' on an A+ to F scale.[5]
Desson Thomson of The Washington Post, giving it three and a half stars out of five, said 'at the risk of eternal damnation on the Internet, I admit to laughing at — even feeling momentarily touched by — Rush Hour 3.'[6] Christian Toto of The Washington Times said, 'The Rush job should put the franchise down for good.' Christopher Tookey of the Daily Mail said, 'Infecting this third movie is an extra, deeply unpleasant level of racism that we haven't seen before in the series.'[7]Roger Ebert of the Chicago Sun-Times was slightly more positive giving the film two stars and saying, '...once you realize it's only going to be so good, you settle back and enjoy that modest degree of goodness, which is at least not badness, and besides, if you're watching Rush Hour 3, you obviously didn't have anything better to do, anyway.'[8]James Berardinelli of ReelViews gave the film one-and-a-half stars out of four, and said the movie was dull, uninspired and redundant.[9]
Home media[edit]
The film was released on December 26, 2007,[note 1] on DVD and Blu-ray. As of March 30, 2008, it made $80.75 million in Home Video rentals, making it the top rental of 2007.[10] As of 2018, the film has grossed $45 million in American DVD sales.[11]
Because of the film's box office success, director Brett Ratner and writer Jeff Nathanson are considering the production of a fourth film in the Rush Hour series. In the DVD audio commentary for Rush Hour 3, Brett Ratner jokes that a Rush Hour 4 could be released in the future. Ratner and Nathanson are exploring many concepts, including the use of the motion capture technique for the possible sequel and various film projects with Chan and Tucker. It has been reported that the fourth film may be set in Moscow.[12]
In May 2011, in an interview with Vulture, Ratner stated that the high cost of making a sequel is, 'why another Rush Hour probably won’t get made, either: It'd be too much to pay me, Chris [Tucker], and Jackie [Chan] to come back.'[13] In an interview on May 12, 2012, with The Arizona Republic, Jackie Chan revealed that he was still planning on sequels to both Rush Hour and The Karate Kid.[14]
See also[edit]
- ^The DVD release date of Rush Hour 3 varies, as it was seen in Wal-Mart stores on December 22, 2007, while in advertisements for other stores it was not scheduled for release until December 26.
- ^ ab''Rush Hour 3' Packs Less Punch'. Box Office Mojo. August 13, 2007. Retrieved October 25, 2015.
- ^ ab'Rush Hour 3'. Box Office Mojo. Retrieved March 13, 2008.
- ^'China in no 'Rush' for Chan film'. The Hollywood Reporter. Archived from the original on September 30, 2007. Retrieved August 6, 2007.
- ^
- ^'CinemaScore'.
- ^Desson Thomson (August 10, 2007). 'Rush Hour 3'. The Washington Post. Retrieved August 14, 2007.
- ^[1]Archived January 27, 2007, at the Wayback Machine
- ^Roger Ebert (August 10, 2007). 'Rush Hour 3'. Chicago Sun-Times. Retrieved August 13, 2007.
- ^James Berardinelli. 'Rush Hour 3'. Retrieved August 13, 2007.
- ^Sinmao (March 2, 2008). 'Box Office Underperformer 'Rush Hour 3' Is Top DVD Rental of 2007'. End of Boredom. Archived from the original on March 5, 2008. Retrieved January 1, 2013.
- ^'Rush Hour 3 (2007) - Financial Information'. The Numbers. Retrieved December 13, 2018.
- ^ Staff (August 2, 2007). ''Rush Hour 4' is Set in Moscow'. Worst Previews. Retrieved January 1, 2013.
- ^Brodesser-Akner, Claude (May 22, 2011). 'The New Summer Blockbuster Economy: Reboots, Prequels, and the End of the Superstar Cash Grab'. Vulture. Retrieved January 1, 2013.
- ^Showbiz, Bang (May 21, 2012). 'Jackie Chan plans 'Rush Hour 4' and 'Karate Kid 2''. AZCentral. Retrieved January 1, 2013.
Rush Hour 3 Full Movie
External links[edit]
Rush Hour 3 Casino Scene Game
Wikiquote has quotations related to: Rush Hour 3 |
Youtube Rush Hour 3
- Rush Hour 3 on IMDb
- Rush Hour 3 at AllMovie
- Rush Hour 3 at Rotten Tomatoes
- Rush Hour 3 at Metacritic
- Rush Hour 3 at Box Office Mojo
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